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Internal Quality Assurance Cell

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Hindusthan College of Science and Commerce, Ingur was established


  • To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
  • Strategies

  • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks
  • The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes
  • Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning
  • The credibility of evaluation procedures
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services
  • Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad
  • Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices
  • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality

  • Development of Quality Culture in the institution
  • Benefits

  • Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
  • Ensure internalization of the quality culture
  • Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices
  • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning
  • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEls
  • Build an organised methodology of documentation and internal communication
  • Composition 2024-2025

    IQAC Calendar

    IQAC First Meeting

    SOP For Students Activities


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