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Institution Innovation Council(IIC)

The Institution Innovation Council was initiated by the college on 27.02.2024,in accordance with the directives of the Principal. The Ministry of Education(MoE) is actively working to address the challenges associated with fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within Higher Educational Institutions (HEls) by establishing an Innovation Cell (known as MIC) at the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in New Delhi. Key initiative s undertaken by MHRD's Innovation Cell and AICTE include the Smart India Hackathon, National Student Start-up Policy, Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA), and the establishment of Institutions Innovation Councils (ICs) in HEIs.IIC is set up to encourage the creative energy of our student population to work on new ideas and innovation and promote them to create start-ups and entrepreneurial ventures.

Objectives of IIC

  • Students/Faculty associated with ICs will have exclusive opportunity to participate in various Innovation related initiatives and competitions organized from Institution level to International level.
  • Opportunity to nurture and prototype new ideas.
  • Mentoring by industry Professionals.
  • Experiment with new technologies.
  • Visit new places and see new culture.
  • Main Focus on IIC

  • Supporting start up Initiatives in HiSAC.
  • Globalisation and Fostering Local Innovation.
  • Creating new idea and enhancing Cognitive skills of students.
  • Functions of IIC

  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework (ARIA)
  • Identify, reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc with the involvement of industries.
  • Encourage students to develop entrepreneurial mindset through experiential learning by exposing them to training in cognitive skills (e.g. design thinking, critical thinking, etc.), by inviting first generation local entrepreneurs or experts to address young minds.
  • IIC is established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campus.
  • Create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem and Start-up supporting Mechanism in higher education institutions.
  • Membership Rolls



    IIC Calender Activities

    Rating Certificate 2023-2024

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